News & Announcements
Image | Title | Article source | Post Date |
Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Phone Call With the President of Djibouti Ismail Omar GuellehImmediate Release Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Phone Call With the President of Djibouti Ismail Omar GuellehAug. 10, 2023 Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder provided the following readout. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke by phone with President of Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh to reaffirm the strength of the U.S.-Djibouti defense partnership. |
U.S. Department of Defense![]() |
Fri, Aug 11, 2023 | |
Prime Minister Abdoulkader Kamil launch the work of a four-day workshop to promote tourism in DjiboutiLe Premier ministre, M. Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, a présidé hier au Palais du Peuple le lancement des travaux d’un atelier de quatre jours visant à promouvoir le tourisme à Djibouti. |
Wed, Mar 7, 2018 | ||
Press Release on the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers of IGAD held in Juba South Sudan on July 23 and 24 2017COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE (07/24/2017) La 28ème session extraordinaire du Conseil des Ministres de l'IGAD s’est tenue les 23 et 24 juillet 2017 à Juba, capitale de la République du Soudan du Sud. La République de Djibouti a été représentée par son Ministre des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération Internationale, Porte-Parole du Gouvernement, Monsieur Mahmoud Ali Youssouf. |
Mon, Jul 24, 2017 | ||
Press release :Djibouti does not recognize The arbitral award rendered by LCIA (London International Arbitral Court )Press release :Djibouti does not recognize The arbitral award rendered by LCIA (London International Arbitral Court ) |
Fri, Aug 3, 2018 | Fri, Aug 3, 2018 | |
President of the Republic receives US Assistant Secretary of State for African AffairsLe président de la République reçoit le Secrétaire d'État adjoint américain aux Affaires africaines |
Adi.djFri, Dec 7, 2018 | Fri, Dec 7, 2018 | |
President of DPFZA, Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority give an interview to Africa Magazine and said ``We have a global ambition`` President of DPFZA, Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority give an interviews in the African Magazine The memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Addis Ababa and Somaliland on January 1st, granting Ethiopia 'autonomous' access to the sea, is reshaping strategic dynamics in an already delicate region. Aboubaker Omar Hadi delves into the competitiveness and medium-term aspirations of Djibouti's port infrastructure. |
Mon, Jan 29, 2024 | Mon, Jan 29, 2024 | |
President of Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh has been named member of European Tourism Academy in recognition of his visionary leadershipREPORTS FROM EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY CEREMONY |
Tue, Mar 27, 2018 | Mon, Apr 9, 2018 | |
President Obama greets President Guelleh at UN receptionSeptember 20, 2016, New York - President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greeted His Excellency Ismail Guelleh, the President of the Republic of Djibouti... |
Tue, Sep 27, 2016 | ||
Thu, Nov 10, 2016 | Thu, Nov 10, 2016 | |
Thu, Nov 10, 2016 | Thu, Nov 10, 2016 | |
President Ismail Omar Guelleh received the Commander of U.S Africom General Michael E.Langley President Ismail Omar Guelleh received the Commander of U.S Africom General Michael E.Langley The President of the Republic, His Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh, received yesterday, at the end of the morning, the new Chief of the United States Command for Africa (AFRICOM), General Michael E.Langley in Djibouti as part of his regional .This audience first served as a framework for a first contact between President Guelleh and the new Chief Officer of AFRICOM. |
La Nation![]() |
Fri, Sep 2, 2022 | |
President Ismail Omar Guelleh presented on Wednesday evening the highest honor awarded by GIFA to the Ethiopian PM, Mr. Abiy Ahmed AliPresident Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh presented on Wednesday evening the highest honor awarded by GIFA to the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Mr. Abiy Ahmed Ali Le Premier Ministre éthiopien, M. Abiy Ahmed Ali, a regagné ce jeudi matin son pays à l’issue de son déplacement d’un jour à Djibouti où, il a reçu le Prix du Chef de l’Etat de la « Global Islamic Finance Award » (GIFA), célèbre Institution Internationale œuvrant pour la promotion et le développement de la Finance Islamique. |
Adi.djThu, Sep 15, 2022 | Fri, Sep 16, 2022 | |
President Ismail Omar Guelleh participated in the inauguration Ceremony of the New President of Kenya Dr William RutoLE PRÉSIDENT GUELLEH PREND PART À LA CÉRÉMONIE D’INVESTITURE DU NOUVEAU PRÉSIDENT KENYAN WILLIAM RUTO |
La Nation![]() |
Wed, Sep 14, 2022 | |
President Guelleh Sends warmest Congratulations to the President-elect J.Biden and his Vice-President-elect Ms. Kamala Harris.Dear Mr. President-Elect Please accept my warmest congratulations on your election as the 46th President of the United States .I send you my best wishes for your success as you prepare to make up the new responsibilities and challenges of your high office. |
Adi.djMon, Nov 9, 2020 | Mon, Nov 9, 2020 | |
President Guelleh Receives the Credential Letters of U.S. Ambassador to Djibouti H.E. Larry AndréAmbassador Larry André Letter of Credentials SpeechGood morning, Assalaamu aleykum It is an immense honor to present to you a letter from President Donald J. Trump containing my credentials to serve as the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Djibouti. |
U.S. Embassy in Djibouti![]() |
Wed, Feb 21, 2018 | |
President Guelleh inaugurate Djibouti's new international free zone, the largest in AfricaDjibouti on Thursday launched the first phase of Africa's biggest free-trade zone, seeking to capitalise on its strategic position on one of the world's busiest trade routes. At a ceremony in the capital, President Ismael Omar Guelleh hailed the scheme as the culmination of infrastructure projects "boosting Djibouti's place in international trade and commerce". |
Agence France-Presse![]() |
Thu, Jul 5, 2018 | |
President Guelleh discusses bilateral relations with US Under-Secretary of State Victoria NulandLe Président Guelleh évoque les relations bilatérales avec la sous-secrétaire d’Etat américaine Victoria Nuland Le Président Ismail Omar Guelleh a reçu ce dimanche après-midi, au palais de la République, la sous-secrétaire d’Etat américaine aux affaires politiques, Mme Victoria Nuland, à la tête d’une importante délégation issue des principales institutions publiques des Etats-Unis. |
Adi.djWed, Jun 15, 2022 | Wed, Jun 15, 2022 | |
President Guelleh receives High Level Delegation of the United States House of RepresentativesThe President of the Republic, His Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh, received today a high-level delegation of the United States House of Representatives, led by the Chargé d'Affaires of the United States Embassy in Djibouti, Mr. Alexander Hamilton. In addition to Ms. Ilhan Omar, members of this US House of Representatives delegation received by the President of the Republic included Ms. Codel Bass, Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee, and Ms. Karen Ruth Bass. |
Wed, Oct 2, 2019 | Wed, Oct 2, 2019 | |
President Guelleh inaugurated , New Corridor Tadjourha -BalhoCe corridor Nord répond aux préoccupations du gouvernement de faire émerger les pôles des développements régionaux » Ismaïl Omar Guelleh Nous reproduisons dans ces colonnes l’intégralité de l’important discours prononcé par le président de la République à l’occasion de l’inauguration hier de la route Tadjourah-Balho. |
La Nation![]() |
Fri, Nov 8, 2019 | |
President Guelleh Renewed Commitment to improve the business environment in DjiboutiLe Président Guelleh dirige une importante réunion dédiée à l’accentuation des efforts au développement de notre pays. |
Mon, Apr 2, 2018 |