News & Announcements

Image Title Article source Post Date

L’Ambassadeur a participé au déjeuner offert par l’Administrateur du groupe africaine de la Banque Mondiale, M. Sikieh en l’honneur de la délégation djiboutienne

16 mars 2016 - L’Administrateur du Groupe Africain de la Banque Mondiale, M. Mohamed Sikieh Kayad a organisé un déjeuner de travail pour la délégation djiboutienne durant la Réunion de Printemps de la FMI et de la Banque mondiale dont laquelle notre Ambassadeur était présent.

Wed, Mar 16, 2016

The President of the Republic decreed two days of National Mourning following the death of the Emir of Kuwait .

The President of the Republic decreed two days of National mourning following the death of the Emir of Kuwait , Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah.

Thu, Oct 1, 2020

The 2nd National Agricultural Show was launched in Djibouti this week .

The 2nd National Agricultural Show was launched in Djibouti this week

Mon, Mar 21, 2022 Mon, Mar 21, 2022



Thu, Nov 10, 2016 Thu, Nov 10, 2016

Djibouti is among the 20 fastest-growing African economies in 2024, with a projected growth rate of 6.2%​.

Djibouti is among the 20 fastest-growing African economies in 2024, with a projected growth rate of 6.2%​.

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, February 18, 2024/APO Group/ -- Report forecasts stronger growth for Africa in 2024, outpacing projected global average; Continent is second-fastest-growing region after Asia.
Africa will account for eleven of the world’s 20 fastest-growing economies in 2024, the African Development Bank Group said in its latest Macroeconomic Performance and Outlook (MEO) of the continent released on Friday.

Wed, Feb 21, 2024 Wed, Feb 21, 2024

Djibouti City Acclaimed As The New World Capital Of Culture And Tourism

April 13, 2018 – H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade has publicly signed the official decision naming DJIBOUTI as WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM on April 10, 2018, in the presence of the diplomatic corps accredited to the global tourism institutions: European Council on Tourism and Trade and European Tourism Academy.

Fri, Apr 13, 2018 Fri, Apr 13, 2018

High-level Meeting on Somalia on the Sidelines of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Statement by

His Excellency

Mr. Mahamoud Ali Youssouf

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Head of the Djibouti Delegation

During the

High Level Meeting on Somalia

Thursday September 21, 2017

Mon, Oct 2, 2017



The Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti in the United States and Canada wishes to inform Djibouti nationals living in the United States and Canada that the Embassy will begin accepting application forms for new Djiboutian biometric passports, starting June 4, 2018.

Fri, Apr 6, 2018

Today Ambassador Douale sent a condolence letter on behalf of the people of Djibouti to the family of the late Muhammad Ali

Today Ambassador Douale sent a condolence letter on behalf of the people of Djibouti to the family of the late Muhammad Ali


Thu, Jun 9, 2016

Business Executive for National Security (BENS) visited in Djibouti led by The (Ret) General Norton Schwartz.

Une délégation de Business Executive for National Security des Etats Unis se trouve actuellement à djibouti conduite par le général à la Retraite Norton Schwartz .Ils ont rendu une visite de courtoisie au Président de l' Assemblee National M. Mohamed Ali Houmed.
Le ministre des affaires étrangères monsieur Mahamoud Ali Youssouf a aussi tenu ce matin une réunion de travail avec la délégation.
Les discussions ont porté sur les voies et moyens de consolider la sécurité et promouvoir la prospérité pour les deux pays.

Thu, Mar 21, 2019 Thu, Mar 21, 2019

U.S.-Djiboutian Relationship Strong and Strengthening, Mattis Says

WASHINGTON, April 24, 2017 —

The meeting between Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Djiboutian President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh yesterday went to the heart of the U.S. relationship with the African nation, the secretary said, describing it as strong and strengthening.

Tue, Apr 25, 2017 Tue, Apr 25, 2017

L’Ambassadeur Douale a rencontré l’Ambassadeur de l’Etat du Qatar

18 avril 2016 - Son Excellence monsieur Mohamed Siad Douale a rendu une visite de courtoisie à l’Ambassadeur de l’Etat du Qatar accrédité à Washington, DC.

Mon, Apr 18, 2016

Message de voeux de l'Ambassadeur Douale à l'occasion de la célébration de notre indépendance nationale

Chers compatriotes,

A l’occasion du 39ième anniversaire de notre indépendance, à mon nom personnel, ainsi que l‘ensemble du personnel de l’ambassade souhaite les meilleurs vœux de santé, de bonheur et prospérité au Président de la République à Son Excellence Monsieur Ismail Omar Guelleh, ainsi qu’à la Première Dame Madame Kadra Mahamud Haïd et à l’ensemble des Djiboutiennes et des djiboutiens qui se trouvent à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur du pays.

Mon, Jun 27, 2016

Ambassador Mohamed Douale addresses the 2018 High school graduates at Rochambeau French International School in Washington, D.C.

Ambassador Mohamed Douale addresses the 2018 High school graduates at Rochambeau French International School in Washington, D.C.

Je vous exhorte donc à aborder l'avenir avec la certitude confiante qu'il n'y a pas de défis que l'on ne puisse surmonter ! Qu'il n'y a pas de problème qu'on ne puisse résoudre. Vous avez le talent, la créativité et l'énergie nécessaire. Je vous encourage à toujours user avec maximum des opportunités qu'offre le système universitaire pour continuer à apprendre, à acquérir les outils pour aborder le monde professionnel de demain.

Mon, Jun 11, 2018 Mon, Jun 11, 2018

Djibouti is pleased to host US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his visit on March 9, 2018

Djibouti is pleased to host US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his visit on March 9, 2018 as part of a regional tour in Africa. His visit is to further enhance the bilateral relations between the two countries. This is the second high-level visit following US Defense Secretary James N. Mattis last year. This is testament to the excellent relations that exist between Djibouti and the United States.

Djibouti remains a true, loyal and reliable partner to the United States.

Tue, Mar 6, 2018
Promotional Spot for the 2023 Djibouti International Fair

The 3rd Djibouti International Trade Fair, from December 3-10, offers a unique chance to explore investment opportunities in Djibouti and the broader region.

The 3rd edition of the Djibouti International Trade Fair will provide you an exclusive access to investment opportunities not only in Djibouti, but also in a region with multiple possibilities.

Tue, Oct 10, 2023 Tue, Oct 10, 2023

Notice to Biometric Passport Applicants


Wed, Feb 21, 2018 Wed, Feb 21, 2018

Briefing Meeting with the University student in Djibouti Embassy

On March 30th 2017, the Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti hosted a delegation of students from Mercer University in Georgia and their faculty advisor Dr. Eimad Houry. The students are representing the Republic of Djibouti for this year's National University Model Arab League Conference. The event will be held at Georgetown University Conference Center March 31st -April 2nd 2017.

Mon, Apr 3, 2017

Djibouti ends DPW s Contract to run Doraleh Terminal Container.Djibouti has made strenuous efforts to negotiate in good faith.To no avail!

Djibouti ends DPW s Contract to run Doraleh Terminal Container.Djibouti has made strenuous efforts to negotiate in good faith.To no avail!

Thu, Feb 22, 2018

Remarks by Ambassador Douale at the Ceremony of Presentation of Credentials

January 25, 2016 - “Your Excellency the President of the United States of America Mr. Barack Obama, I have the immense privilege and the great honor to present to Your Excellency the letter of Credence by which His Excellency President Ismail Omar Guelleh of the Republic of Djibouti appoints me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Djibouti...”

Mon, Jan 25, 2016